Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tied One Over On New Year's Eve? Try Coconut Water + A Banana

Okay, so maybe you OVER-indulged rockin' in the brand new year of 2013. You don't have to lie there, feeling miserable with a throat as dry as an Arizona desert.

You NEED to re-hydrate, girlfriend and get those burned up electrolytes back into your body!
Here are 2 items to zap away the cruel hang-over you still might be feeling today:

Coconut Water and  a Banana.
Let us explain......

Coconut Water is supposed to be one of the best known fluids for re-hydrating the body. And according to naturalhealthlifestyles.com, it doesn't come from the coconuts we're used to enjoying:
"Coconut water is the liquid found inside young green coconuts. Not to be confused with coconuts you see in the grocery store i.e.—the brown, hairy kind."

 In addition, the article goes on to mention some really wonderful things about this most pure water:

"The water of a single coconut contains enough vitamin C to meet the daily requirements of the body. It also contains several vitamins in the B group, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, folic acid, and thiamin."

As far as bananas go, the fruit is loaded up with potassium to replace a night of drinking. It also restores the lost electrolytes from too much partying. A banana also protects against nausea and heartburn.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Lots Of Pregnant Celebs: Attack Stretch Marks ASAP!

So many celebrities are having babies these days, or so it seems. We wish good health for all the mamas and dem babies!

Unless you're living under a rock, then you've heard by now that the most famous reality star is pregnant! Kim Kardashian and beau Kanye West are over the moon with the exciting news! Kim is rumored to be about 12 weeks along.

And then there is Jessica Simpson, expecting another beautiful bundle of joy! Baby #2 for the blonde cutie. There she is tweeting a recent photo confirming the great news.

Of course, there is also Amber Rose,  Kanye West's ex-gal pal, who is almost ready to deliver her own gorgeous baby with rapper Wiz Khalifa. Her little one is due in February, according to reports.

So, then.....how do pregnant women tackle the dreaded stretch marks?

We don't wish to be 'debbie downer' here. We are so HAPPY for these celebrities, but they, too, suffer from the same beauty problems we all encounter. So, let's take a look at the common stretch marks and how we can make them disappear.

Here's the bad news:

No matter how many creams you rub on your belly, you can never get rid of stretch marks permanently.

The good news, is that prescription Retin-A commonly used for beautiful skin, CAN do some good against stretch marks:

Dr. Amy Derick, a dermatologist in Barrington, Illinois, says you should try and diminish their appearance. And act sooner than later.

"There’s really not any data regarding creams, " she told the NY Times. "But you can do laser treatments or Retin-A after the fact, especially early on when the lines are red and purple." Studies have found that topical tretinoin can lighten stretch marks as well as reduce their size.

Can't wait to see all 3 babies!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Katy Perry: Teenage Dream Without Makeup?!

Okay, we look like crap without makeup, and as you can see here, well, er.....Katy Perry is NOT exactly the 'Teenage Dream'. She looks a lot BETTER with makeup, hair extensions, beautiful clothing, etc.

In our humblest pea-brain opinion.....MAKEUP MATTERS. We barely even recognize Billboard Magazine's 'Woman of the Year 2012.'

Yes, we were taken aback, because we happen to think that the talented pop singer is very pretty. And here (top photo), well, we think she looks average. Just our opinion.

This brings us to another uneducated theory. Most women could be gorgeous with the right team of beauty professionals! Just look at photo #2. Is Katy Perry stunning or what?!

Sure, she has a lot of cosmetics on, including miles of false lashes and superb brow makeup applied, and sexy, black hair extensions, and so on. But the point is, most women CAN be glamorous. And if you have a beauty army to help you like all Hollywood women do, then...pretty comes easy.

Katy Perry's secret are the loveliest set of faux lashes by her OWN brand--Katy Perry lashes by eylure.
Photo #3 is a cover shot for Billboard mag. So that one is most likely airbrushed to fake perfection. And Katy looks incredible in that pic.
What do you think? Are we being to harsh on the sultry songstress? Does Katy wear TOO much makeup anyway? We'd like your humble opinion.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

CC Cream Equals BB But Better?

We've all heard of Asia's amazing BB cream. Well, now there's CC cream. And that's supposed to be 'BB, but better.'

Olay's new Total Effects CC Cream stands for COVERAGE + CORRECTION. It's selling for $22 at Olay.com.

Olay says their CC cream is a true beauty product winner for these simple reasons:

all-in-one triple stream formula combines a daily anti-aging moisturizer
SPF 15 sunscreen
and sheer tint for younger-looking skin.

CC cream is available in 3 shades:

and Medium-to-Deep

If you want to protect your complexion (which you should be doing morning-noon-night), but HATE wearing foundation of any sort, then try CC cream. It provides more coverage than a BB cream, and in Olay's case, it also provides correction for wrinkles, age spots and uneven skin tone. And it gives a lovely luminosity to the skin.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Thin Brows? Try The Newest Eyebrow Transplant In 2013

Maybe Santa didn't deliver your Christmas wish for thicker brows like Kim Kardashian's. But don't worry. There is hope for a natural, fuller set in 2013, and one doctor is leading the way!

Dr. Sanusi Umar is one of the few experts around the globe who have perfected eyebrow transplantation. In his practice, Dr. Umar takes slow-growing hair from either the legs, arms or nape of the neck and painstakingly transplants each hair follicle, one at a time, to restore the natural brow shape.

It's an amazing, meticulous procedure with incredible, permanent results! Your brows will grow in fuller and longer, and you will be able to use a scissors to trim them regularly,  too.
DermHair Clinic is the only location based in L.A. that performs the state-of-the-art eyebrow transplant.  The procedure isn't cheap It can cost several thousand dollars, but then again.....it's a great permanent solution.

Brows frame the eyes. And the more natural they appear, the better.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Picking The Perfect Nude Lip Shade

Nude lipstick isn't easy to choose or wear, and yet, when it's done right, nude lips are both classic and modern.

Nude lipstick looks wrong when the color is too pasty or pale. Yes, it can look corpse-like. That is why your skin tone matters when you pick up a tube of neutral makeup.

A lot of celebrities wear the dark, smoky eye with a nude lip, including Kim Kardashian, Pam Anderson, and Nicole Scherzinger.

Makeup artist Jeanine Lobell has this beauty advice when you DON'T want a bold pout( In Style mag):

1. Easy on the Application
"Nude will cake up if it's applied wrong, so use a light hand." Spread it out with a lip brush.

2.  One Step-Up on the Color
"A shade one level darker than your natural lips creates subtle contrast."

3. Rosy Hues = Warmth for Fair Skin    
Peachy Beiges = Bring Out Medium Tones    
Copper = Sparkles on Darker Complexions

Actress Cate Blanchett plays up her fair skin with Burberry's Beauty Lip Cover in Cameo No.2 ($30, at Burberry.com).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Victoria Beckham's Diet Secret: Sticky Willes!

Looking to get skinny like VB in 2013?!

Think seaweed. There's a new diet pill in town known as Quantrim, and it supposedly BURNS fat and ZAPS cellulite. Plus---Victora Beckham is said to be a fan of seaweed for its slenderizing properties.

According to information in the British DailyMail, seaweed and a plant known as Sticky Willies combine together to melt away the pounds. The formula dates back to 1913 and has been developed into a diet pill form.

The weird combo of ingredients decreases the appetite and increase the body's metabolism and therefore, burns more calories.

This is what the Quantrim company says about their skinny supplement:
‘Quantrim is a safe, natural weight loss aid that will enable everyone to achieve their ideal weight, with less struggle than dieting alone.
'Quantrim reduces hunger pains as your appetite is curbed. As your natural energy levels and metabolism increase Quantrim burns stubborn fat and celullite'.

Would you try this new diet pill in the new year?

For more information, visit Quantrim.