Saturday, June 11, 2016

Plus White XTRA Whitening Toothpaste--Cheap + Decent Brightening!

You've read my review before on the Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel, because darn it----it works GREAT for LESS than 10 bucks. See my BeautyTipToday post here.

 If you sneak into my medicine cabinet, you will find that I ALWAYS have a tube of the Premier Whitening Gel on hand when I need to "up my game," so to speak. I already own the mouth tray from purchasing the first kit.

My humble advice: Keep the bleaching agent on your teeth for 20 minutes, instead of 5, for BEST results each time.

This cheap, poor man's bleaching kit DOES WHITEN teeth at least -- 1 to 2 shades brighter.

Okay....NOT Hollywood, but still a NICE improvement after coffee, wine, sodas, cigs, whatever your habits happen to be.

I am a HUGE soda freak, so Coke can knock your whiteness down over the years.

Results from the Plus White 5 Minute system last about 3 months, then you can do it again.

In between, I like using Plus White's XTRA Whitening Toothpaste.

I found a TUBE here for CHEAP at Walgreens on SALE for just $2.99!

Using just the toothpaste alone, is as good as those other whitening brands like Rembrandt, etc. Plus, it has a nice, minty taste. Really.

Give it a try. It won't hurt, and you can only GAIN in a little whiteness!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Beauty Buzz: Cool Peel-Off Lip Stain That Lasts 10 Hours!

We like when beauty products make it EASY for the lazy me and invent bizarre makeup items that really work.

Take They have this AMAZING PEEL-OFF Lip Stain that takes just 10 minutes on, and when you PEEL it AWAY.....You're left with lips wearing a soft popsicle pop of color.

 And the COCOON Lip Stain LASTS for 10 hours...... not bad for a $22 lip product.

We LOVE the pretty popsicle shades:

How the heck does this peel-off lip stain work?

Beauty science. Best of all----Cocoon Lip Stain is kiss-proof + water-proof.

This is how you put it on, says Cailyn Cosmetics:

1. Apply Cocoon Lip Stain with a small lip brush making sure the product is evenly distributed.
2. Wait 10 minutes, or until dry, for Cocoon Lip Stain to set.
3. Starting on the corner of the lip, slowly peel mask.

Sounds like a great product to try!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Magical New Top Coat: The ESSIE Gel-Setter

My nails need help, ASAP!

And maybe I've found a great helper. If this works, then for 10 bucks, it's WORTH it.

I'm talking about this:

This is NEW from ESSIE, the nail experts.

It's called the GEL SETTER at Kohl's.

Just brush it OVER your FAVE manicure and watch the high GLOSS take over.

It creates a nice gel-like shield for days

NO lamp time. NO gel curing time.

And the public response has been GOOD.

I LOVE a gel manicure, but HATE spending $$$ on my nails, so hoping that a bottle of Gel-Setter can mimic the thick high gloss of a gel manicure.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gotta Love the Facial Masks! New Charcoal Pudding By Boscia

I LOVE facial masks, because they EXFOLIATE, BALANCE skin tone, CLEAR UP pores and DELIVER a nice glow to your complexion.

This new clay/charcoal masK is NOT cheap at $38, for a small jar, BUT....I have a girlfriend who shelled out the $$$, and she says it's incredible for her oily skin + once-in-awhile break-outs. It's also hydrating for . Good all around.

Charcoal Pore Pudding Intensive Wash-Off Treatment by BOSCIA 

You can use this Boscia mask as a FULL treatment or SPOT-ON treatment
I would like to try this one. Anything to REDUCE my enlarged pores is ALWAYS welcome.

Have you tried the new Boscia Charcoal Pore Pudding Intensive Wash-Off Treatment?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Our 3 Favorite Drugstore Mascaras

Yes, I LIKE drugstore beauty products, and so do many beauty YouTube stars.

Today, I'm talking MASCARA, one of my must-have makeup items.

ZERO mascara means an off-day for Beauty Tip Today.

I've mentioned these mascara winners before, but I looked at my mascara stash today, and these 3 are ALWAYS with me.

I ADORE big a** lashes, LOL.

Here we go. You CANNOT fail with a double-blend of these.

In other words, MIX + MATCH 2 of them for the longest, fullest lashes, EVER.

1. L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara (Carbon Black, at ULTA, $9.99)

And WORTH every penny.

This formula creates LONG, THIN, DOLL Lashes.

2. Maybelline Great Lash Curved Brush (Blackest Black, at ULTA, $5.99). The CLASSIC, never fail mascara for thick, dewy lashes.

3. L'Oreal  Voluminous Volume Building Curved Brush Mascara (Black, at ULTA, $8.49).

This STUFF rocks! FULL, luscious lashes. Almost look FAUX.

All 3 = excellent mascara.
I like mixing Telescopic with either Great Lash or Voluminous. Try it!

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Power And Beauty Of Makeup----OMG, Kelly Ripa!

Here is an excellent example of a famous, pretty woman named Kelly Ripa. Women ADORE her and admire her fitness discipline.

We all know her from her former days on the iconic soap "All My Children," and especially on "LIVE with Kelly."

PHOTO #1 shows the petite 45-year-old star with wet hair pulled back, on her way to the TV studio Thursday morning to prepare for her show.

Is Kelly attractive WITHOUT the power + magic of makeup?

Yes, BUT.........

Now here's Kelly WITH makeup artfully applied + hair done.

You decide, which Kelly is more appealing?

We rest our case.

To see how amazing Kelly Ripa looked on Thursday's show, check her out here on video as she interviews Beth Behrs.

YouTube, Live With Kelly, June 2, 2016

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Maybelline Introduces Spider Lashes Mascara Because Trend Is HOT

Maybe you're into the HOT beauty trend of the moment---Spider lashes!!!

It's been a look on the runways---Jason Wu sent his flock of models to Fashion Week last October showing off the beauty trend, and he used the drugstore brand that just hit shelves for everyone else in April:

Maybelline The Colossal Spider Effect Mascara ($7, at ULTA).

It's a SEXY look, but best achieved by a professional makeup artist.

Kim Kardashian has recently been playing around with this beauty trend, and we all know she ALWAYS has a pro doing her entire look.

KK ALWAYS rocks the most spectacular eye makeup, and we think her spider lashes are gorgeous fauxs.

Do you like SPIDER lashes.......And will you try on the HOT beauty trend?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Asian Massage With Ceramic Spoon Creates Firmer, Slimmer Face?

There are so-ooooo many beauty treatments out there. Some are old, maybe even ancient and some are new. Whether most of them really work, is another thing.

We are fascinated by YouTube's many beauty gurus who teach + inspire many of us to be a more attractive + healthier you.

Today, we came across the YouTube sensation, Wengie, a famous Chinese beauty blogger from Australia. And Wengie was demonstrating a popular beauty ritual that many Asian women perform weekly to force their faces into the Asian ideal of the V-shape + slimmer jaw.

This is done WITHOUT plastic surgery or dermatological enhancement. All you need is an Asian ceramic spoon + some facial oil or gel + 10 minutes of time.

All the action is done with a FIRM upwards motion. Asian women believe this facial massage is effective at DRAINING toxins and fluid retention from the face.

Here's Wengie demonstrating the facial massage.

Wengie's YouTube video does an EXCELLENT job at explaining  each step.

Now, the million dollar question........

Does facial massage with an Asian ceramic spoon really slim and firm the face?

Hmmm. Probably NOT. But then again, we have NOT tried the popular Asian treatment yet.

Maybe some of you do this beauty ritual. And if so, we would like to know if it's helped or not helped you.

If something as cheap + simple as a ceramic spoon can FIRM the face, then count us in.

Just sayin.....

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Afraid To Rock Smoky Red Eye Trend Like Cannes' Kristen Stewart?

I LOVE the smoky red eye trend.

It's hip, modern + sexy. BUT-------

Maybe it's best left to the professional makeup artist to create, because it isn't an easy look to master.

We adore the smoky red eye on actress Kristen Stewart at Cannes earlier in the week, maybe because she just doesn't give a darn about stuff like tell-tale peroxide roots.

In other words, Kristen Stewart doesn't take the whole beauty thing too seriously, so, it works for her. Her attitude is perfect.

Take a look:

Reddish eye shadows are HOT for Spring + Summer 2016.

If you would like to re-create the beauty trend, we suggest trying Lime Crime's Grunge palette ($32), full of burgundy reds, rusts and bruised peach tones.

Lime Crime's Grunge palette has developed a cult-like status.

Will you be trying the SMOKY RED EYE TREND?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Miley Cyrus + Kristen Stewart Over-Bleach Hair With Tell-Tale Roots

Bleached hair can look so sexy + high glam.......when done properly.

But when you're messing around with peroxide, it will get you in the end.

Just ask Miley Cyrus + Kristen Stewart,  who both admit, they have messed up their hair. Although, both stars used another word to describe their hot mess.

Take a look here. Miley wants to CHOP OFF all her hair, because she damaged it all by herself, by going bottle blonde from the drugstore.

We advise Miley to get to her salon ASAP, and let a pro deal with it.

Dyeing it a DARKER shade can COVER the problem and start healing her hair.

Remember, ladies:It's ALWAYS easier to go darker, than lighter, when it comes to hair color.

Kristen Stewart took her badly bleached hair to Cannes and said she didn't care that she was messing with her crowning glory. She likes the look:

"I just did like five movies over a two-year period, and I think it's a very good decision for me right now to stop acting in movies for just a moment, and I've never really done that, I've never changed my appearance," she tells People.

There you have it. When you're young + free like Miley + Kristen, you can experiment with bad makeup + hair,  and everyone cuts you a break.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Bored? Have A Spring Fling With Candy-Colored Hair

It looks like shades of blue remain the HOT trend for beauty. Pastel or candy-colored hair is showing up on celebrities everywhere, and BLUE seems to be the favorite.

Best of all, you DON'T have to commit to the color forever. Just have a Spring Fling with candy-colored hair. It's a temporary beauty thing and washes out with your next shampoo.

Model Karlie Kloss did the temporary blue look back in March, and she looked GORG. She even added blue eyeliner, another popular trend.

She looked so ethereal. Wish she would try this candy-colored hair again. She wears it so well.

If you want to COPY Karlie's Spring Fling blue locks, go with the easy Comb-In + Wash-Out.

We found this at Amazon for ONLY $5.45 + FREE shipping.

Do you dare to try pastel-colored hair this Spring?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Make Mine Matcha: DIY Green Tea Mask For Radiant Complexion

We are so into Japanese matcha tea.

Wish we liked drinking TEA, but since we do not, we LOVE applying it to our face + neck, once or twice a week.

It is AMAZING for your complexion. It delivers smooth, soft skin and TIGHTENS everything up.

The healthy tea draws out impurities and cleanses your pores perfectly.

Plus, it's so-ooooo simple to make.

All you need is a high quality, preferably STONE GROUND green tea powder. We found this popular brand at Amazon for $18,

A bit pricey, but you can make plenty of facial masks with this amount, because you only need very little.

Then, your next ingredient is water. That's it.

We found a super YouTube tutorial that shows you the steps. Click it here.

The matcha green tea mask should sit on your skin until it DRIES completely, about 20 minutes. Then take a wash cloth dipped in warm water to gently remove.

Your complexion will appear almost PORE-LESS.

GREAT stuff for a big night out, or when you want to show off your best complexion.  And it's ideal for ALL skin types.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bleached Brow Blunder at 2016 Met Gala: Do Not Try This At Home

Maybe because she's a TOP model, Lily Aldridge best pulled off the bleached brow look at the 2016 Met Gala in New York City.

Kim Kardashian + Katy Perry both failed miserably.

I am certainly NOT here to judge, because I, too, had once bleached my brows years ago, because it was somewhat fashionable and designed to soften strong features. Well, it does NOT do anything attractive for your face....looks totally bizarre, especially in photos and NOT recommended for healthy eyebrow hair.

In Lily's defense, her brows were NOT bleached, but transformed through painted on gilded gold brow makeup. Plus, she is so stunning, that she can probably pull off this dopey trend.

Then we have 2 glam ladies, Kim Kardashian + Katy Perry who REALLY had their dark brow hair bleached into barely there eyebrows, and here are the LESS than ideal results.

 Oh, my.....

The ONLY time I truly liked this beauty trend, was on Janet Jackson, when the late, great makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin applied his magic and lightened up her brows.

He was so-oooo talented, he could have made the brows of Kim, Katy + Lily look so much better.

To check out the 2016 Met Gala looks, click on People.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Simple Choker Remains Hot Trend on Celebrities

The choker. It's so HOT, still. Celebrities like  Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton + Nicole Trunfio are all into the simple, always cool accessory.

Chokers don't have to be super expensive. We found nice-looking chokers here at Forever21:

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Star Shay Mitchell Buys Biore For Flawless Skin

The gorgeous star of Pretty Little Liars has a clear, smooth complexion and uses a drugstore find to MINIMIZE pores and keep her skin looking radiant.

We LOVE when celebrities like Shay Mitchell share the beauty knowledge with everyone.


Shay's secret skin care weapon comes from the popular Biore line-up. That's what the sexy actress tells Allure magazine in their May issue.

Her FAVE is the Biore Baking Soda Cleansing Scrub ($8.99, at Target).

It's a CONCENTRATED powder scrub that does an excellent job of EXFOLIATING + allowing pores to almost disappear.

And we all know that CLEAN pores mean CLEAR skin.