She might have her haters, but this hugely popular reality star also has millions of Twitter followers.
Kim Kardashian is speaking out about her body insecurities again. We have to admire the woman in that respect, because we have seen her on 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians,' standing there in a bra with a rounded, not flat belly.
Kim K is not super skinny and doesn't want to be, but she certainly feels the insecurities that most women feel, and in her case, it's her thighs and cellulite.
This is what Kim told the UK's ITV Lorraine Kelly of the 'Lorraine Show.'
"I still have some cellulite," she says, describing Spanx as "the greatest invention." Check out Spanx here.
We would have to agree. Just about every woman in Hollywood slips into Spanx before a red carpet event. Why? Because the fabric really smooths out a lot of imperfections. And, we all have them.
Kim is so sweet.. Yeah, Me too, feeling inscure about my thighs and cellulite. Hope this site can help me http://weightloss30daychallenge.com/cellulite-2/laser-cellulite-removal/
Love Kim, Here's a site that may help with cellulite. Cellulite Removal
thank you very useful information admin, and pardon me permission to share articles here may help
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